Human Relations Commission


Fair Housing

As part of its continuing effort to provide fair housing opportunities for its citizens, Granville County is posting, through this website, the information below that pertains to the Federal Fair Housing Law.

Fair housing means all persons have equal opportunity to be considered for rental units, purchase of property, housing loans, and property insurance.

The State Fair Housing Act  (see also the Spanish version) makes it illegal to discriminate in housing because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental handicaps, or family status (families with children).

The law applies to the sale, rental and financing of residential housing. Apartments, houses, mobile homes and even vacant lots to be used for housing are covered by the Fair Housing Act. With a few exceptions, anyone who has control over residential property and real estate financing must obey the law. This includes rental managers, property owners, real estate agents, landlords, banks, developers, builders and individual homeowners who are selling or renting their property.

For a listing of housing resources in Granville County, please click here: Housing Resources

For a listing of local housing resources, Spanish translation, please click here: Housing Resources – SPANISH

Fair Housing is the Law

U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1866, U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1968, and NC Statutes Chapter 41A prohibit discrimination in housing.

If you experience discrimination in housing because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, handicap or family status, please write or call:

N.C. Human Relations Commission
1711 New Hope Church Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
Telephone/TDD: 919-431-3035
Toll-Free: 866-324-7474 (1-866-FairHsg)

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