
Commissioners Recognize Incinerator Disc Golf Course Volunteers

Posted November 29, 2022


On November 21, the Granville County Board of Commissioners recognized the hard work and dedication of local disc golf enthusiasts in their efforts to bring a high quality 18-hole course to the Granville Athletic Park.
“The Incinerator” was built with only minimal labor and expenses by county staff and has already put Granville County on the map in the disc golf world.
Disc golf first came to the GAP in 2018 thanks to the efforts of Granville County native David Nicholson and a group of dedicated volunteers. With the assistance of the GAP parks and grounds crew, the volunteers initially built nine holes before completing the final nine in 2022.
These volunteers have succeeded in creating a destination for disc golf enthusiasts from across the state in a uniquely themed course that pays tribute to the rich history behind the park’s development.
For more information about the Incinerator Disc Golf Course, please visit the Granville County website.
Thank you to all of our dedicated volunteers!
David Nicholson, Kyrston Nicholson, Jeff Schons, Michael Fortlage, Ben Lewis Benjamin, Fermin Calderon, Russell Davis, Heyward Gignilliat, Andy Mathews, Joe Tartamella, Justin Crow, Dilon Lawson, Dionicio Salazar, Paul Shelton Jr., Parker Schons, Samuel Sirianna, Adam Weisbrodt, Larry Smith, Davis Lever, and Sam Taylor.
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