
Help name the disc golf course at the GAP

If you haven’t heard yet, the Granville Athletic Park is getting an 18-hole disc golf course. The Oxford Disc Golf Club is partnering with the County to make this vision a reality. Nine holes will be placed in the existing Phase I and II of the park, and the remaining 9 will go into Phase III.


We are asking the public to help come up with a name for the course.


We want to get the community involved. Submit your recommendation today at You may submit multiple times until the survey is closed. Recommendations that are inappropriate will not be considered.


Survey ends July 16, 2018.


All recommendations will be considered by members of the Granville County staff, the Granville County Recreation Advisory Committee, and the Granville County Board of Commissioners, who will make the final decision as to the name of the new course.


We look forward to hearing your ideas! Please share this link with friends.

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