
Winter Storm Watch Update

1/6/2017 @ 7:15AM – The latest forecast trends the storm moving more northward, bringing higher anticipated accumulations for our area. We may now see 8″ of snow or more before the storm pulls out of our area. Temperatures for the weekend are predicted to remain well below freezing and may reach record lows in the single digits by Sunday night. Please take precautions now to protect water pipes and other essential items from freezing. Keep a check on elderly neighbors, friends, and family. Assist them if you can, and report any welfare concerns to local authorities. Also, please make plans for your pets and other animals during this cold weather. If you can, bring them indoors and make sure they have a supply of fresh water at all times. A frozen bowl of water for them to lick on is NOT adequate to provide their needs. MOST importantly, PLEASE STAY OFF THE ROADS if you do not absolutely have to travel! This is a good time to watch movies, read books or just interact with each other and enjoy the snowfall! Anybody got a good recipe for snow cream? Stay safe everyone!!!!



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