
Helpful Links

Granville County Veterans’ Services has many resources available to assist local Veterans and their families: Please click on the following links for information and assistance: 

VA Federal Benefits Booklet

North Carolina Military and Veterans Benefits Resource Guide

Veterans Administration Forms


Frequently requested forms:

SF 180, Military Records: Before making a request to get a DD214 (discharge papers), personnel records or military records, please read the Instruction and Information Sheet and mail to the address provided. 

VA 40-1330, Claim for Standard Government Headstone or Marker: Before completing this form, please read the General Information Page. 

VA 40-1330M, Claim for Government Medallion for Placement in a Private Cemetery: Before completing this form, please read the General Information Page. 

VA 21p-530, Claim for Burial Benefits: Please read the Benefits Eligibility prior to completing the form.


Register/Apply for VA Healthcare .

  1. Visit online: or
  2. Fill out a VA 10-10EZ and mail it in. Mail to: Health Eligibility Center, 2957 Clairmont Road, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30329
  3. Or visit the VA Hospital in Durham and let them know you would like to register for healthcare.

Information you will need to apply for healthcare is as follows: Veterans DD214, Medicare Card(s), Medical Insurance Card(s), Social Security Yearly Statement(s), last year’s income (tax information) and any other income you may have.


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