
Reporting an Allegation

The information on this page is provided to assist employees with questions they may have regarding reporting an allegation of fraud, waste, and/or abuse.  If you have a question not covered on this site, please contact the Internal Auditor’s Office at (919) 693-9539.

Who should report?
Granville County employees who have direct knowledge or are aware of fraud, waste, or abuse of county resources.

Why should I report?
The AlertLine is available to report any suspected fraud, misconduct, or abuse by county employees, contractors, and/or vendors related to departments or operations of Granville County government.

Tax dollars help to support and fund the operations of county government and taxpayers deserve for their government to be honest, effective, and efficient. One way to accomplish this is for employees to report any suspicious activity to the AlertLine.

Please do not assume that there are others who know of or who have reported the issue . . . it is up to you! Even if suspicious or documented fraud, waste, or abuse has already been reported, your report may provide additional information needed to assist with eliminating the cause.

What details need to be included?
It is important to provide as much detailed information as possible in order for your report
to be properly investigated. Your report should include:

WHO? Who is responsible and who else is or may be aware of the improper activity?

WHAT? What is the improper activity? Is there documentation that substantiates the reported activity?

WHERE?  Where did the improper activity occur?  Was it within a county department or elsewhere?  Where can the investigator locate the individual(s) involved or those who have information about the activity?  Where can documents or other evidence related to the activity be found?

WHEN?  When did the activity occur? When did you discover it? Is it still occurring?

WHY? Why did the activity occur? Did the activity benefit those involved?

HOW? How was the activity able to occur? Were controls circumvented that allowed the activity to occur?

Most importantly, please be sure the allegation is as accurate and truthful as possible.  Do not intentionally report false or misleading information. 

What should not be reported?
The AlertLine is reserved for reporting instances of fraud, waste, and/or abuse within county government operations and its related departments. It is not intended for private businesses, other non-governmental entities unless those entities are related to Granville County government, nor other local governments such as municipalities and townships unless those entities are related to Granville County government.  

If a report is received that is found to not be within the authority of the Internal Auditor’s Office to investigate, the matter will be referred to the appropriate agency or authorities as necessary.  

Can I remain anonymous or can my name be kept confidential?
Yes, you can remain anonymous; however, please be aware that the auditor will be unable to contact you if additional information is required.  This could limit any ensuing investigation. If you still wish to remain anonymous, please do not provide your name or any other information that may personally identify you.

If you decide to identify yourself, the Internal Auditor’s Office will not knowingly disclose any information that would identify you without your express permission, unless required by law. 

In accordance with the Granville County Internal Auditor’s Office, detailed information received pursuant to a reported allegation or any ongoing investigation thereof shall be considered work papers of the Office and shall be confidential.  Individuals should be aware that such information may become known during the course of any investigation whether the report is received anonymously or not; nevertheless, the Internal Auditor’s Office will treat your report confidentially.

How Can I Report?

Submit the online Fraud, Waste, Abuse Allegation Report Form or click the Report Button to access the online submission form.


Call the AlertLine at (919) 693-9539. The AlertLine may be answered by the Internal Auditor (Monday through Friday) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  If the Internal Auditor is unavailable, you may leave a detailed voice message or request your call to be returned.

Once the information is received, the Internal Auditor’s Office will determine if the report is within the authority of the Office to proceed and will initiate and coordinate any investigation.  Employees can be confident that the information reported on the AlertLine will be handled confidentially and will be investigated in a professional manner.

If the evidence found substantiates possible fraud, waste, and/or abuse, a full investigation will follow that may take as few as a couple of weeks or as much as several months to complete depending on the complexity of the case.


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