
Continue Input on the Granville County Comprehensive Plan Update

Since the fall of 2017, Granville County Planning and Zoning has been collaborating with citizens, stakeholders, other departments and municipalities to update its 2002 Comprehensive Plan. The project presents an opportunity for residents, businesses and other stakeholders to have a say in the County’s future growth, development, and quality of life.


Hundreds of people have provided input and helped to answer the questions: What types of development should be encouraged? What aspects of the existing rural character and communities need to be preserved? What recreational, cultural, and entertainment amenities should be encouraged? And how can we attract new employers and their employees.


As part of the community outreach effort, the County conducted an online survey from mid-January through February 2018 and held public meetings in Butner and Oxford. Over 700 people responded to the survey and attended public meetings. Half of the respondents to the survey lived in Granville County for more than 20 years and 63% were over the age of 45. Whether people lived in north or south Granville County, there was consensus on what they value namely the rural/small town nature, sense of community, and proximity to the Triangle. The most pressing issues were the quality of the schools, desire for more retail options and economic growth; and managing growth to support the towns and protect farmland and natural areas.


At the April 26 steering committee meeting, Planning Granville’s Future – Our Path Forward, was chosen as a title for the Comprehensive Plan. The committee felt it was an accurate reflection of the community’s input and direction. The updated Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map will become a tool for community leaders and the development community to make decisions regarding land use, transportation, utilities, natural resources, recreation, economic development, and more. In addition, the Plan will consider the goals and recommendations in comprehensive land use and area plans of the municipalities. 


There is still opportunity to weigh in on the project and make sure the plan addresses your concerns and reflects your vision for the future of the county.   Take a short survey at to provide feedback on the draft vision statement and goals, land use plan options, and priorities.  Visit the project website at There, you also will find land use scenarios under consideration, notices of upcoming public meetings, the results from survey #1, relevant articles of interest, and more!


For more information contact:


Barry Baker, Granville County Planning Director, (919.603.1334)  or Jake Petrosky, Project Manager, Stewart, (919.866.4812)


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